From the Superbowl to Science: Getting in the Know on Twitter News

From February 8th to February 18th, the #DUreporters have been keeping fellow tweeters updated on local, national and worldwide breaking news stories. From the 50th Superbowl win by the Denver Broncos to scientists around the world uncovering human history, 10 days of news is never boring and never the same. Whether you missed the news because this February chilled you into hibernation or global warming flexed, bringing sunny days spent outside, this is what you missed:

Manning or Losing?

If you have stock in Budweiser, send Peyton Manning, Broncos Quarterback, a big thanks. Following Manning’s second Superbowl win the sports star announced his plans to celebrate by “drinking a lot of Budweiser,” earning the the beer free advertising. This name-drop was valued at $13.9 million where other companies paid up to a record-breaking $5 million in advertising.

As a Budweiser stake-owner, Manning lined his own pockets. This example of promotional prowess came in the wake of rumors regarding Manning’s retirement.

Now in the news for a decades-old sexual assault allegation, Manning’s lucky streak may be expiring. With another Superbowl victory, the successful marketing of stake-holdings and a leaked sexual assault story, only time will tell if Manning is winning or losing.



Lifestyle’s Links to Lifespan

Divergences between those in the highest and lowest socio-economic tiers have been recognized and reported on for years. Now, the New York Times has published a report indicating financial means in playing a role in determining length of life.

Not only does this gap in longevity exist, it has been widening alongside developments in medicine, technology and education. This increasing gap has gotten the attention of presidential candidates and could create newfound policy concerns for impoverished voters.

Investigations point to a prominence in smoking, obesity and prescription drug abuse among poor communities as an explanation for this disparity. Regardless of other injustices, lifestyle being indicative of lifespan–now, more glaringly–is a cause-and-effect pattern the American public will need to address.


A Mother’s Memoir of a Columbine Killer

Dylan  Klebold and Eric Harris changed the way the world looked at teens residing outside their high school’s neighborhood of relative normalcy on April 20, 1999. 17 years later, Sue Klebold, mother of one of the Columbine killers, has published her account on that day and the years leading up to it.

Sue Klebold wrote her memoir in response to a letter written by the father of one of Dylan’s victims, asking how she had raised her son to commit such violence. Chillingly, Klebold tells the world of their more-than mediocre lives and the moment she knew something was amiss in her son: the morning of the shooting.

‘A Mother’s Reckoning’ hopes to shed light on factors internal and external that contributed to Dylan’s desire to destroy his and his classmates’ lives. Providing peace of mind to victim’s families, mass violence researchers and even her own family, Sue Klebold has changed the way the world looks at the mothers of murders.


The History of Humans: Neanderthals

Evidence has revealed that the modern moron’s common insult now contributes to millions’ genetic make-up. 50,000 year-old interbreeding genetically grounded Neanderthal DNA  in humans.

Non-African’s are now believed to be 1-2% Neanderthal, contributing to contemporary health concerns like allergies and depression. Scientists have determined that various instances of interbreeding left human DNA markers on Neanderthals 100,000 years ago.

This is a historical hiccup: how this mysterious migration of humans interacted and interbred with Neanderthals thousands of years departed from common beliefs have left historians looking to science for answers. Advancements in science have allowed humans to look into the collective history of us and will continue to illuminate, humble and surprise our definitions of self.


Talking on Twitter

Twitter is made for talking. From follows to mentions to favorites, communication is key in collecting Twitter success. Twitter’s @ mentions allow users to connect with any account. Here’s how:

Chipotle regularly interacts with customers via Twitter, but did not reply to either of my @ mentions. Sometimes no message is a message, right Chipotle?

No service, no problem–thanks to Twitter and Wifi.

Restaurants love Twitter mentions, sometimes so much that they give away coupons or free food and drinks. Being one tweet away from a free cheese board is worth the 68-character mention.


If you don’t want to miss breaking news on every beat, see you in two weeks.


Senator Sanders, Snow Days & Other Stuff: News Near and Far

Despite popular conceptions of wintertime slumps, the past two weeks have proven surprising, refreshing and relatable in the world of Twitter news. The #DUreporters have seen furious snowstorms, the Iowa Caucasus and corporate convolution in the 13 days between January 24th and February 5th. For those who haven’t refreshed their Twitter feed recently, this is what you missed:

News: What You Need to Know

Turbulence in Twitter’s Executive Suite

January 25, 2016 brought the Los Angeles Times report on the exit of 5 of Twitter’s upper-level executives, further worrying the world that the social network is in serious trouble. These executives’ choice to leave closely follows founder Jack Dorsey’s return as permanent Chief Executive Officer as of September, 2015.

The continuously falling stock of Twitter has worried investors and those now previously occupying the San Francisco-based executive suite. Some analysts view the collective departure of Alex Roetter, Brian Schipper, Katie Stanton, Kevin Weil and Jason Toff as encouraging:

“Jack Dorsey is a smart enough guy to know he had to make a change,” – David Giannetto, author of “Big Social Mobile: How Digital Initiatives can Reshape the Enterprise and Create Business Results”

Twitter users, staff and investors are awaiting the arrival of new executive officers and board members that are expected to more closely emulate the CEO’s plans for the company. However, a 50% fall in Twitter’s shares, the lay-off of 8% of the workforce and the constant irregularity in executive occupation continues to worry the public. Certainly though, the future of Twitter affects millions worldwide and will be closely anticipated.


Sanders Spooks Voters with the Ghost of Clinton’s Past

Senator Bernie Sanders surprised Hillary Clinton with a detrimental reminder to voters only five days before the Iowa Caucus. Clinton voted in approval for the invasion of Iraq in 2002, much to the disapproval of fellow Democrats and unbeknownst to many of her young supporters. Her pro-war vote haunted the 2008 election and sealed President Barack Obama’s seat as the Democratic nominee.

Eight years later, Vanity Fair shows how Sanders has proven a strategic rival by confirming his anti-war position and reminding voters of her now-perceived mistake: “I think that war is a dumb idea,” citing his own 2002 speech to the House, “there’s going to be a political vacuum, there will be instability”. Inciting doubt in Clinton’s foreign policy decision-making reaffirmed the skepticism that 81% of Democrats that disapproved of the invasion of Iraq felt in 2008.

The rise of ISIS makes the foreign policy of the future US President crucial in deciding which candidate to vote for come November.


Pre-Vote: Potential Presidents’ Positions in Iowa

February 2nd kicked off the Presidential election, positioning candidates for the remainder of their campaigns. The New York Times revealed the polls pre-vote, indicating important political divides: Clinton is ahead of Sanders while Trump trumps Cruz.

Outcomes in Iowa’s voting are indicative of demographies the candidates have appealed to, as well as those they came short of persuading. The limited diversity of the state has surprising voting records, from the Democrat-strong rural, white voters’ support to the Republican-voting evangelical popularity.

Diversity in voter support could be calculated as imperative to victory in Presidential elections. While polling always has the possibility of imperfection, the outcome of these first votes has the potential to define a campaign strategy for months to come.



DU’s Snow Day: To Study or To Sleep?

For the first time since 2012, the University of Denver called for a snow day on February 2nd, relieving students, faculty and staff of their obligation to come to campus for the day.

In the midst of midterms, the University cited severe weather after eleven inches fell overnight. Cars were buried, shovels were needed and a day to study or sleep decided some students’ fate in their upcoming tests and assignments. Popularly, the week five one-day-break brought students and their professors out of a slump that falls over campus halfway through nearly every quarter.

Pushback on homework, papers and other due dates will certainly have its consequences come finals week, but the class-free day was appreciated anyway.


Engagements: DU Reporters & Their Interactions

Despite constant clamor over news sites and breaking news, DU Reporters rely on one another to catch overlooked articles, interacting over Twitter in the process.

Another DU Reporter, Hillary Conciatori shared a Buzzfeed recipe for easy, at-home lava cake. I started to pre-heat my oven in excitement immediately after getting the notification. Gaby Penvenne liked the tweet too, indicating a class-wide love for chocolate.


Not unexpectedly, fellow Pioneer, Adam Yunis and fellow DU Reporters, Hillary Conciatori and Paige Lawlor liked the #SNOWDAY tweet. In excitement for our day off, we finished homework, threw snow at each other and watched friends get dragged by cars on skis.

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Julia Dacy reported on the announcement that finding a cure for cancer is supported worth $1 billion by the Obama Administration. Having volunteered with various cancer-centered organizations, this news came as a happy surprise.


Continually in awe of Trump’s mid-election actions, my interest was piqued by Gusto Kubiak’s post about Trump’s intentions to sue over Iowa Caucus turnout. The caption, however, seems more indicative of how Trump’s constant surprises should be seen: as a “Standard Trump response”.


After a busy two weeks, news geeks have had a lot to talk about and share with followers. Entering the second-half of winter quarter, more updates on the latest buzz around the world can be expected from #DUreporters. Stay tuned.